The Challenge: Creating Hydrogen Cities

20. 9. 2022, 16:00

OREA Congress Hotel in Brno, Czech Republic


We are excited to invite you to our upcoming thematic conference The Challenge: Creating Hydrogen Cities” featuring speakers and panellists from the likes of Škoda Group, Bosch, MOL Group, and Hydrogen Poland and representatives of European cites and regions. 

The session, organised by EIT Urban Mobility, will focus on the engagement of the hydrogen industry with European cities and about readiness of urban areas for hydrogen propulsion as a sustainable solution for public transport and logistics. 

Date: 20 September 2022 

Time: 16h-18h 

Location: OREA Congress Hotel in Brno, Czech Republic OR online via Zoom  

Language: English 

nvitation only and we ask that you confirm attendance via the registration form. We provide a detailed agenda below and attached, for your reference.  


More information:



Projekt “Koordinační činnost České vodíkové technologické platformy 2027“
je spolufinancován Evropskou uniií.