Webinář: MultHyFuel launch event

29.4, 14:00 - 15:30 CEST online

The project focuses on permitting and safety in hydrogen multi-fuel stations and is being coordinated by Hydrogen Europe, in collaboration with Air Liquide, ENGIE Lab CRIGEN, HSE, INERIS, ITM Power, Kiwa, Snam, Shell and ZSW.

With the increased deployment of hydrogen refuelling stations (HRS) worldwide, MultHyFuel aims to contribute to the harmonization of existing laws and standards for implementing HRS co-located alongside conventional fuels. The project’s strategy includes practical, theoretical and experimental data acquired by several partners with great expertise in the hydrogen industry, as well as the active and continuous engagement of key stakeholders.

A series of workshops are planned, at appropriate stages within the project, especially aimed at a wide range of external entities such as HRS operators, manufacturers, public authorities and standards developing organisations.

On 29.04.2021, during the webinar, we will not only discuss the impact that MultHyFuel hopes to achieve with its findings but also the methodology behind it, including the way that the partners plan to engage with the targeted stakeholders.

This first event will include:
• MultHyFuel: goals and strategy
• Methodology: How will we conduct a cross-country state of the art review?
• Methodology: What kind of analysis and experimentation will the project include?
• Engagement plan

Pro více informací a přihlášení: https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_-TqdVaK0SvqoMW9f7xWLXg



Projekt “Koordinační činnost České vodíkové technologické platformy 2027“
je spolufinancován Evropskou uniií.