International research and practice conference “Usage Aspects of Alternative and Renewable Energy Sources in Ukraine"

Dear colleagues, We have pleasure to invite you to participate in International research and practice conference “Usage Aspects of Alternative and Renewable Energy Sources in Ukraine (REU 2015)”, which is held Ukrainian State Geological Research Institute (UkrSGRI). International research and practice conference «Usage Aspects of Alternative and Renewable Energy Sources in Ukraine (REU 2015)» – it is a discussion on geology problems, exploration and production techniques of alternative fossil fuels, development of renewable energy sources in Ukraine. It is an opportunity for scientific discussions, topical workshops and presentations. It is an expansion of business relations, opportunity to meet potential business partners, as well as new knowledge, ideas and ability to implement them. We invite all who is interested in questions of replacement of traditional hydrocarbons with alternative energy sources. Experts in area ecologists and economies. Staff of the academic higher education institutions and experts of production workers. Doctors of science and students. Inventors and design engineers. In total who is interested in opportunities of use of energy of the Sun, Earth, the Wind, … Also we express confidence that your experience and support will be an essential contribution to successful carrying out conference and the solution of problems of power independence of Ukraine. Conference «REU 2015» will be held in the framework of integrated activities "Geoforum-2015", which will address priority issues and future interaction between science, manufacturing, financial sector, the education system and the public administration in geology.


Projekt “Koordinační činnost České vodíkové technologické platformy 2027“
je spolufinancován Evropskou uniií.