Fuel Cell & Hydrogen Brokerage Event

This Event focuses on: Fuel Cell & Hydrogen 2015 calls.

Fuel Cell and Hyrogen 2 Joint Undertaking (FCH 2 JU) covers the Pillars identified in the Multi- Annual Work Plan: Transport, Energy and Cross-Cutting. In addition, Overarching projects, addressing objectives from the Transport and Energy pillars, are also included.

The emphasis given to different actions in different pillars reflects the industry and research partners’ assessment of the state of the technological maturity of the applications and their estimated importance to achieve critical objectives of the FCH 2 JU..*

Besides, the event also targets to the Green Vehicles 2015 calls under Transport Challenge representing an essential component of road transport research and innovation for energy efficiency and alternative power trains. The content of the activities includes advanced power-train technologies, new vehicle architectures, component development for alternative fuel vehicles and new forms of energy,the interfaces between the vehicles and the recharging infrastructure.




Projekt “Koordinační činnost České vodíkové technologické platformy 2027“
je spolufinancován Evropskou uniií.