DAAD Green Hydrogen Research Tour ‑ “Green Hydrogen Research and Technology in Germany”

24. - 29. 9. 2023

DAAD Green Hydrogen Research Tour

Duisburg – Mülheim an der Ruhr – Jülich – Aachen – Karlsruhe – Esslingen – Ulm - Nürnberg

The DAAD invites advanced doctoral students and postdoctoral researchers from the European Research Area (ERA) and eligible countries to meet with colleagues at renown German institutions that are actively contributing to green hydrogen research, in order to get first-hand information and insights into promising research results and technological developments.

DAAD Green Hydrogen Research Tour 2023

“Green Hydrogen Research and Technology in Germany”

September 24 – September 29, 2023

Duisburg – Mülheim an der Ruhr – Jülich – Aachen – Karlsruhe – Esslingen – Ulm - Nürnberg

Establishing an eco-friendly hydrogen technology is a key objective of many countries to reduce CO2 production and to diversify national energy supplies. Motivating up and coming scientists to commit themselves to this task and supporting their endeavours is decisive for mastering this challenge. To this end, the DAAD offers international postdocs and doctoral students the opportunity to connect on site with researchers in Germany who are actively researching and developing green hydrogen technologies as an energy carrier, thus facilitating the exchange of ideas, building collaboration and joint projects, and ultimately aiming to fulfil the energy strategy of the EU and partner countries.

DAAD’s Information Tour “Green Hydrogen Research and Technology in Germany” is designed to bring together German and international researchers from the European Research Area and eligible countries, with the objective to facilitate the exchange of ideas, to initiate collaboration and joint projects, and ultimately, aim at the fulfilment of the energy strategy of the EU and partner countries.

The 2023 GH2-Research Tour will focus on the production, transport, and infrastructure of green hydrogen.

The participants will meet researchers at the following universities, companies, and research institutions:

  • Duisburg - ZBT - The hydrogen and fuel cell centre at University Duisburg-Essen (Link)
  • Mülheim an der Ruhr - Max-Planck-Institute for Chemical Energy Conversion (Link)
  • Mülheim an der Ruhr - Max-Planck-Institut für Kohlenforschung (Link)
  • Jülich - Project Management Jülich (Link) and Research Center Jülich (Link)
  • Aachen - RWTH Aachen (Link)
  • Karlsruhe - Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) (Link)
  • Karlsruhe - INERATEC GmbH – The E-Fuel Company
  • Esslingen - Esslingen University of Applied Sciences (Link)
  • Ulm - Ulm University of Applied Sciences (Link) and IVECO
  • Nürnberg - The Helmholtz Institute Erlangen-Nürnberg for Renewable Energy (HI ERN) (Link)
  • Nürnberg - The Hydrogen Center Bavaria (Link) & the Hydrogen Alliance Bavaria (Link)

Participants can expect:

  • An overall view of the German higher education, research systems and funding opportunities;
  • First-hand insights into the developments and innovative projects in the field of green hydrogen production, transport, and infrastructure;
  • The opportunity for a mutual exchange of current research results with experts actively investigating, developing, and implementing new technologies in the field;
  • An overview of the green hydrogen research landscape and career options in Germany, as well as of the funding opportunities for academic exchange, institutional and individual collaborations;
  • The opportunity to join one of the DAAD Green Hydrogen Working Groups (Link) to create long-term ties with other fellows and experts from the German Green Hydrogen community, and profit of research and networking opportunities, according to their personal interests.

Whom are we looking for?

The programme will be conducted in English and will have a very interactive approach. Our hosts will provide valuable insights into their activities, and participants will be asked to share their perspectives and knowledge with the group. Fellows in this programme are typically postdoctoral researchers and advanced doctoral candidates with well-documented experience in their respective fields of research and they are expected to show interest in a cooperation or a research stay in Germany.

What is being funded?

  • Program-related costs in Germany (accommodation, domestic travel, most meals).
  • Travel cost from the ERA or eligible countries to Germany. The DAAD will reimburse the documented costs of travel by train or, if the distance requires it, by air, always taking into consideration the most sustainable and economical option.

What will be the itinerary?

The Information Tour officially starts in Duisburg on Sunday afternoon, September 24. 2023, with a welcome session and ends with a closing dinner on Friday evening, September 29, 2023, in Nürnberg. The night from Friday, September 29, to Saturday, September 30, is also booked and covered by DAAD. Participants may stay in Germany for another 5 working days before or after the tour at their own costs, and they are encouraged to make use of this opportunity for further networking.

What is absolutely required?

  • Applicants must be established in any of the ERA or eligible countries for at least 12 months before the start date of the research trip.
  • Those interested must demonstrate academic or professional background in the field of green hydrogen.
  • Participants must be interested in a research cooperation with German partners and/or be motivated to carry out a research stay in Germany.
  • Applicants residing in the following countries are eligible to apply: EU member states (except Germany), Albania, Armenia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Faroe Islands, Georgia, Israel, Kosovo, Morocco, Republic of Moldova, Montenegro, Northern Macedonia, Norway, Serbia, Switzerland, Türkiye, Tunisia, Ukraine and the United Kingdom.

More Information: https://www.daad.de/en/study-and-research-in-germany/scholarships/green-hydrogen/research-tour/


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