7th International Conference on Hydrogen technologies


For the new 2016 edition we have chosen the motto: “Hydrogen – Changing energetics and transportation landscape”.

This is very true of today. We are fortunate in living in an era of revolutionary technological changes and challenges. Changes in the means of supplying society with energy, which includes the hydrogen economy as an important component of the scenario, are an inevitable part of it. This aspect is reflected to different degrees by the individual European nations. However, this does not change the fact that, sooner or later, reality will compel all of them to take part in this process.

Therefore, We trust that the conference of Hydrogen Days 2016 will be a learning opportunity for us all. Due to the increased presence of representatives from Visegrad countries, complemented by most of the remaining countries of the Central and Eastern Europe region, the conference offers participants from all over Europe a great opportunity for networking and for strengthening their position through unity and collaboration.

Exclusive speakers, interesting topics and great technical excursion that is The Hydrogen Days 2016 organized by Czech Hydrogen Technology Platform (HYTEP).

More information: www.hydrogendays.cz



Projekt “Koordinační činnost České vodíkové technologické platformy 2027“
je spolufinancován Evropskou uniií.