European Hydrogen Week 2021

29. 11. - 3. 12. 2021, Brusel, Belgie


Registrations are now open for the second edition of the European Hydrogen Week, taking place from 29 November to 3 December 2021!

What’s new this year?

We are honoured to announce that this year’s event will be opened by the President of the European Commission Ursula von der Leyen and the first day will include the participation of Frans Timmermans, Executive Vice President of the European Commission for the European Green Deal, Thierry Breton, European Commissioner for Internal Market and Mariya Gabriel, European Commissioner for Innovation, Research, Culture, Education and Youth.

The European Hydrogen Week will mark the public launch of the Clean Hydrogen Partnership – as the successor of the Fuel Cells and Hydrogen Joint Undertaking (FCH JU). Together with the Clean Hydrogen Alliance, the Clean Hydrogen Partnership will be a key instrument for implementing the European Hydrogen Strategy and for achieving the EU Green Deal’s ambitious goals.

Building on the objectives of the EU Hydrogen Strategy, the event will discuss the tremendous opportunities associated with the production and use of hydrogen and hydrogen-based fuels in the different sectors of the economy and how hydrogen will play a key role in the European Green Deal.

In particular, in the third day we will address how the EU is planning to scale up to 40 GW by 2030 and how it will support the rapid deployment of Alternative Fuels Infrastructure and the decarbonisation of heavy-duty transport. To lead the discussion around these topics, we will welcome the European Commissioners for Energy, Kadri Simson, and Transport, Adina Valean.

The week-long summit will bring together stakeholders from industry, research, academia, and government to discuss the main issues shaping the clean hydrogen technologies in Europe and beyond.

Last year, due to COVID restrictions, the Hydrogen Week turned digital. This year’s edition will be a hybrid event – with speakers invited to join on site and an online audience. We expect more than 5000 participants online - from Europe and beyond.

Agenda highlights

The series of events taking place during the week include the European Hydrogen Forum, a day dedicated to the European hydrogen research and innovation priorities, the meeting of the Clean Hydrogen Alliance (by invitation only), and a day focused on the objectives of the European Hydrogen Strategy, with a focus on the energy, transport and standardisation policies supporting it. Last, but not least, the FCH JU Programme Review Days will present some of our most interesting projects and the FCH JU Awards will reward our most successful, innovative and visible projects.

  •  Day 1, Monday 29 November: Hydrogen Forum and FCH JU Awards
    •    Day 2, Tuesday, 30 November: R&I Priorities
    •    Day 3, Wednesday, 1 December: Hydrogen Strategy:  energy, transport and standardisation
    •    Days 4 and 5 (Thursday, 2 December and Friday, 3 December: Programme Review Days (PRD)

REGISTER HERE and be a part of the discussion. Also, don’t forget to vote for your favourite FCH JU success story and innovation in our public vote, which is now open!


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