Our company Ventile & Fittings Praha, spol. s.r.o. was founded in 1992. We provide high-quality components for fluid systems as well as technical support for various applications of our customers in the Czech Republic, Poland and Slovakia. We offer products that find application in practically all industries. You can rely on them wherever there are requirements for product quality and reliability, high tightness, high working temperatures and pressures, as well as high vacuum. The components supplied by us can be used wherever leaks and unreliability of the system mean production losses, threats to the safety and health of workers, the environment, but above all where there is an interest in long-term and economical operation.
Ventile & Fittings Praha, spol. s r.o.
Družstevní 72
Líbeznice, 250 65
Česká Republika
Tel: +420 283 980 896